Ominous B1 Deficiency Found Throughout Food Chain

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is used by nearly all your cells, metabolizing the carbohydrates and lipids in the foods you eat, helping to convert food into energy and boosting the flow of electrolytes in and out of your nerves and muscles. Thiamine is important for healthy...

Regenerative Food and Farming

Regenerative agriculture and animal husbandry are the next and higher stage of organic food and farming. Regeneration is now the hottest topic in the natural and organic food and farming sector, while climate activists regularly talk about the role of organic and...

Your heart needs more than six hours of sleep nightly

Research has proven that sleep is connected with subclinical atherosclerosis, the early stages of hardening and narrowing of the arteries. Those who slept for less than six hours a night were 27 percent more likely to have subclinical atherosclerosis than those who...

Breathing for better health

The way you breathe — fast or slow, shallow or deep — sends messages to your body that affect your mood, stress level, blood pressure, immune function and more. One of the most basic of all breathing techniques is to make sure you’re always breathing through your...