

What is a Paleo-Keto, or PK, diet?


A paleo-keto diet takes the best of paleo and the best of keto. Keto diets can sometimes be high in dairy, which I like to significantly reduce (except for butter). Paleo can sometimes include fruits and tubers, which I like to keep to a minimum. So combining the two gives us the best result when it comes to optimal health. The aim of a PK diet is to help you to achieve Nutritional Ketosis, where your body is enabled to burn fat for fuel instead of carbohydrate. You become a Fat Burning Animal! This is sometimes called Fat Adapted or Metabolically Flexible.

How is nutritional ketosis achieved?


By eating a high fat, high fibre, moderate protein, low carbohydrate diet. This diet is not only satiating but satisfying and energising.

Why is a PK diet good for us?


Burning ketones for energy, instead of glucose, is a much cleaner source of energy for our cells. Also, once in nutritional ketosis the amount of glucose in your gut is reduced which helps to heal the gut, immune system, nervous system and hormonal system. As well as reducing inflammation, being fat adapted also stabilises blood glucose, preventing metabolic syndrome and this is where fluctuating blood glucose can lead to many health disorders including diabetes and obesity.

How do you know when you are keto adapted?


Once in nutritional ketosis many good things start to happen including: more sustained energy, increased mental clarity, a calmer digestive system, reduced anxiety, less cravings, improved sleep and clearer skin.

How can I become a fat burning animal?


Though it sounds simple it is actually quite challenging to achieve and that is why it is best to work with a professional to help you get there. Once fat adapted you can add back in healthy carbohydrates, but this is very individual, and Andrea helps guide you through the process of cyclical carbohydrate feasting.

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