
I am so grateful to Andrea

Kat has just completed my 28 day programme. This is what she has to say … “I got to a point where I had a few health problems; weight problems, digestive problems and it was affecting my mental health so I came to Andrea to look into how nutrition could help. I wasn’t...

Limit the Lectins

Reducing our toxic load is important, especially as we reach those menopausal years as our body gets less and less efficient at removing toxins from our body. Plant lectins act as a built-in defense mechanism for plants that ensures their survival by triggering a...

Avoid Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are linked to many negative health effects and it is important to avoid exposure as much as possible. EDCs lurk in food packaging, nonorganic food, nonstick cookware, detergents, cosmetics, medicines, fabrics, pesticides, carpets...

This Visceral Tissue Affects How You Think

Visceral fat is excess adipose tissue deep in your abdominal cavity that wraps around your organs and plays an active role in creating an inflammatory response in the brain, triggering impaired cognitive function. It produces inflammatory molecules that affect the...

Can Your Bedtime Determine Your Heart Health?

Research data found people who go to bed from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. and fall asleep before 11 have a much lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease than those who go to bed earlier or later. Lack of sleep is associated with cardiac morbidity and mortality and...