

Natural Healthiness

Hello, I'm Andrea Bremner, the founder of Natural Healthiness. 🌿 At Natural Healthiness, we are committed to transforming lives through a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. My unique blend of Nutrition, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Biomechanics sets us apart in the field of health and wellness. 🌱 Nutrition for Optimal Health: I embrace Hippocrates' wisdom that "food is thy medicine." As a Nutritional Therapist, I'm dedicated to helping individuals overcome modern-day health challenges, such as obesity, diabetes, and anxiety, by making meaningful dietary and lifestyle changes. 🧠 NLP for Mindset and Motivation: My expertise extends beyond nutrition; I'm also a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This powerful combination allows me to offer professional nutrition counselling, enabling clients to reprogram their minds, eliminate limiting beliefs, and develop strong motivational strategies. 🦶 Biomechanics for Whole-Body Wellness: My commitment to holistic wellbeing extends to your feet. We provide custom-moulded insoles and orthotics to support pain-free living and total body wellness. My Journey: My passion for nutrition and lifestyle change was born out of my desire to heal myself and those I care about. I've faced health challenges, battled autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, and anxiety, and found my way to vibrant health without medication. With an MSc in Psychology and Physiology from Loughborough University and a background as a former national squad gymnast and county heptathlete, I bring extensive knowledge and experience to our practice.
Natural Healthiness
Natural HealthinessMonday, June 24th, 2024 at 8:44am
Yesterday, the Telegraph reported a University of Birmingham study found that toxic “forever chemicals”, or Pfas, were able to enter the bloodstream through the skin. Take note of what you put on your skin; this includes make up, shampoos, perfumes and clothing.

Read the article here:

Full article below:
[TOXIC “forever chemicals” can be absorbed through human skin, a study has confirmed for the first time.
It was previously thought that Pfas, perfluoroalkyl substances, which are found in many household products, could not permeate the skin barrier.
But a study of 17 commonly used varieties of Pfas found that most were able to enter the bloodstream through the skin after 36 hours of exposure.
Pfas are known as “forever chemicals” because they do not break down naturally in the environment, but are valued for their moisture-repellent properties. They have been used for decades in items such as waterproof clothing, non-stick pans and cosmetics.
They have been found in drinking water and soil, and are linked to immune system disruption, impaired liver function and decreased birth weight.
The study by researchers at the University of Birmingham applied samples of each chemical to laboratory grown tissue that mimics human skin.
Of the 17 Pfas tested, the researchers found 15 showed “substantial” absorption into the skin, meaning at least 5 per cent of the dose was absorbed.
It found that the absorption into the bloodstream of perfluoro octanoic acid (Pfo), which is commonly used in food packaging, was 13.5 per cent of the dose, with a further 38 per cent retained within the skin.
Dr Oddný Ragnarsdóttir, lead author of the study, said: “The ability of these chemicals to be absorbed through skin has previously been dismissed because the molecules are ionised.
“The electrical charge that gives them the ability to repel water and stains was thought to make them incapable of crossing the skin membrane.
“Our research shows that this theory does not always hold true and that, in fact, uptake through the skin could be a significant source of exposure to these harmful chemicals.”
The study also found that more modern Pfas, which have shorter carbon chains, may be more easily absorbed,
Prof Stuart Harrad, of the University of Birmingham’s school of geography, earth and environmental sciences and the study’s co-author, said more research is needed to assess the impact of the chemicals after they have permeated the skin barrier.]
Natural Healthiness
Natural HealthinessMonday, June 17th, 2024 at 1:09pm
A short snippet from an interview I did with Oliver Smith for his documentary on Ethical Farming Methods
Natural Healthiness
Natural Healthiness
Natural HealthinessMonday, June 17th, 2024 at 12:50pm
Looks like I've entered a gurning competition, but actually I was doing a talk on the Gut Biome to the Women's Institute in Petersfield last Tuesday. "A fun and enlightening evening!" Thanks to all who attended 🙂
Natural Healthiness
Natural HealthinessTuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 8:24am
First harvest of the year - broad beans 🙂 I planted these little beans in November last year and now they stand 1.5m high - the miracle of life and delicious with my Sunday roast 😋
Natural Healthiness
Natural HealthinessMonday, May 13th, 2024 at 1:44pm
Here is a snippet from my Gut Biome Masterclass with training and education provider Skill Up Online. Enjoy 😁
Natural Healthiness
Natural Healthiness
Natural HealthinessMonday, May 13th, 2024 at 1:34pm
Here is a snippet from my Gut Biome Masterclass with training and education provider Skill Up Online. Enjoy 🙂

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