
I know I’ve thanked you before, but maybe it can bear repeating…

Joining your group in 2013 for those power walks started a process:  that first week you got us all to think about our priorities and where we placed health in our thinking…food for thought (and still is).  Soon it became obvious that even “just” walking is so beneficial to health. I have never been a “natural” sporty type  (my sister definitely is though)…my own preference was always for reading!

As you know I met a “walking pal” in your group and eventually we moved on to more frequent walks together, depending mostly on the weather.  The mental and physical benefits we both experience mean we have stayed quite well motivated.   Then last summer we joined a weekly exercise class to help with the aim of improving upper body strength.  The impact of this on flexibility and balance has been noticeable. And it’s fun, even.

In conclusion, your input has – over time – made quite a difference to us both.   Irene x