
Ruth and Garry, have just finished my 28 Days To Optimal Health Programme. Here are some messages from their journey:

“We have just watched that amazing video. Life changing! Don’t really know what else to say, other than we are overwhelmed and grateful to be on this journey with you. It is really transformative. A switch has gone on in our heads. Last night we had chicken thighs, a sausage and a big salad with olive oil, garlic and lemon juice. Then we told ourselves that we could maybe have a glass of wine while watching Eurovision. We would have had a bottle and loads of crisps, but we didn’t, we like the way we are feeling now, so we had a couple of glasses of Kombucha and I made guacamole with an avocado, garlic, lemon juice and tomatoes and cut up a couple of carrots to dip in. Smug as Sarah! No breakfast as yet because not hungry, just coffee, butter and a teaspoon of MCT which we received yesterday.”

And then …

“Wow! and Wow again! Thank you so much Andrea. We are absolutely loving this. Just had an almost green smoothie (had no leafy veg) broccoli, raspberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, half an avocado, some salt, slurp of olive oil and lemon juice and almond milk. Not eaten since last night had coffee with butter and MCT first thing. I love the zingy feeling from drinking the smoothie. Tonight we are having roast chicken, asparagus and salad. Last night we had a cottage pie (left over from day before cos I made so much) the mash was cauliflower and carrot and swede and I served it with courgettes sliced in half with a bit of parmesan shaved across the top of them, yum yum. Amazed that I said to a friend today ‘I feel all sparkly!’”

And then …

“I have known for many years about the mind/gut connection but oh my goodness! No one could have ever been fully able to explain just how in synch they are. You have to do it for yourself don’t you? I can almost hear them talking to each other. I now eat to live rather than the other way round but I didn’t know it until we did this with you. Thank you thank you thank you! It has been truly life changing and we are forever grateful.”

Nuff said! Except that I love my job 😊