What is NLP?


Neuro Linguistic Programming is the study of how we neurologically programme ourselves to behave and how we can change our behaviours by re-wiring or re-programming ourselves.

Everything we do in life is a programme from the way we brush our teeth in the morning, so how we get dressed into our pyjamas at night-time. The majority of unconscious programmes that we run throughout our day-to-day lives are very useful and supportive, but sometimes we run programmes unconsciously through our neurology which are unhelpful and destructive.

Using powerful tools of NLP we can:

  • Use visual, auditory and kinaesthetic strategies to reframe negative emotions, such as anxiety and fear, and learn how to manage them more effectively.
  • Improve our self-esteem and self-confidence by changing the internal language patterns and visual images that we unconsciously store of ourselves.
  • Discover our bad habits; understanding that these are negative programmes which can be changed and replaced with positive rituals.
  • Determine what beliefs we have about ourselves which limit us from becoming the person we want to be and learn how to erase these beliefs, replacing them with empowering affirmations.
  • Elicit our unconscious hierarchy of values; helping us to prioritise what is important so that we can live life in line with our values for true happiness and fulfilment.
  • Achieve extraordinary outcomes: Success and happiness is not an accident, it is a learnt behaviour that successful people follow in order to achieve their dreams.

Is NLP coaching for you?


NLP coaching is a 1-2-1 experience to help you rekindle your self-belief.

Do you need to recalibrate your mind so that it is working for you, instead of against you? Are at a stage in your life where you feel that your self-confidence is being challenged, or do you feel that you have lost all your confidence and need to restore it in order to be happy?

Would you like to:

  • Improve your life so that you feel better about yourself?
  • Stop feeling the fear of being judged all the time?
  • Manage stress and resulting anxiety that you experience?
  • Stop feeling so overwhelmed with everything you need to get done?
  • Improve your self-esteem and become more self-confident?
  • Erase any limiting beliefs which prevent you from being the person you want to be?
  • Remove bad habits and replace them with positive rituals that support you?
  • Have more energy in everyday life?
  • Set some career or life goals and overcome obstacles to achieve them?
  • Restore life balance around your work, family and ‘me’ time?
  • Find the right job for you or improve your current work situation?
  • Overcome your fear of public speaking?
  • Manage your time better so you can get more out of your life?


If any of these ring true for you, you are not alone. The only way to break this self-sabotaging pattern is to re-shape your life. Using the tools of NLP I can help you rediscover yourself, rejuvenating your self-confidence so that you can become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Together we will make changes in your life that you will not believe possible, enabling you to break through any barriers so that you can take control and stay focused, to achieve permanent and positive changes. 

FREE Initial Discussion by Phone

Complete your details below so I can email you to arrange a convenient time for a discussion by phone.