I was suffering from constipation, fatigue, anxiety and a foggy brain. Even though I slept 8 hours at night I still wanted to sleep 2-3 hours during the day. I would wake every morning with chest pain and anxiety. I had this all my life, for 42 years I lived with pain and suffering. I tried all sorts of diets and medicines to help but none of them worked for the long term. I realised it was my diet that I needed to change and I then found Andrea and she really changed my life. I followed her 28 day programme and it was amazing. Now the constipation has gone and the brain fog has gone. I now feel happy and calm. During the first week of the programme I started to feel the positive effects. During the second week I lost a bit of motivation and ate too much fibre and had a bit of a sore stomach. But by the third week, I become more conscious and clear about what I needed to do and then everything changed. I realised that I did not need to rush this, it is not a race! What was I rushing for as there is no destination to get to! This is a manner of travelling, a way of living for now and forever. Now I have energy and a clear mind and am able to fit in everything without feeling the overwhelm. Once the brain fog had gone there was no need to worry or rush anymore. I now know it was my gut brain connection that was creating all my worries. I am now the role model that I want to be for my daughter; she will watch me and learn how to be healthy. I congratulate myself on finding the right therapist and eventually working out what is now right for my health for the long term. This is the best thing anyone can ever do for themselves. Thank you Andrea!

– Gulay Paksoy.