I am delighted to have lost my “sweet tooth”

by Oct 18, 2019Testimonial0 comments

As a menopausal married woman I did the 21 day purify program to support my husband as he has numerous digestive issues. I thought doing it together would help him to stay on track and I was right. I hadn’t expected to experience any benefits myself but I was wrong!!!! Being menopausal has meant I haven’t had a good night’s sleep without waking every 2 hours for as long as I can remember but half way through the program I realised I was sleeping better and for much longer. For me that was worth the 21 days without any other benefits! I also knew that I already ate healthily but am delighted to have lost my “sweet tooth”, my taste buds really have changed, and I lost nearly a stone in weight so it was a win-win for me!

– Jan Curley